Press Releases
March 13, 2023

Athian Responds to GHG Protocol with Industry Leaders

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is soliciting stakeholder input to understand the need, scope, and potential approaches to inform updates or additional guidance related to the GHG Protocol’s Corporate Value Chain Standard (Scope 3).

Athian stands with leaders within the livestock industry to coordinate on a response to the GHG Protocol Survey Request for Stakeholder Input related to the GHG Protocol’s Corporate Value Chain Standard (Scope 3). This coordinated response will ultimately help the livestock industry meet its carbon neutrality goals. Our goal is to enlist the power of the entire supply chain to move the needle on climate change.  

Athian is working along with many leaders toward a coordinated response to the GHG Protocol to address issues. We believe the goal of the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard is aligned with the Livestock Industries goal of carbon neutrality, but we are proposing a change to the value chain reporting standard by allowing only those entities that contribute financially or operationally to mitigation efforts be allowed to report those GHG reductions against their targets or inventory accounting, among other updates.

A workable insetting process is possible involving widespread industry collaboration. It will require an inclusive approach that enlists producers of all sizes, co-ops and processors, retailers, and food service providers. Together we can reduce the GHG footprint starting on the farm.  

Learn about our response by contacting Kendra Tolley at

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